26-27 SeptemberMalmö Arena Hotel


Kes McCormick (conference moderator)
Professor of Business Development and Sustainable Innovation, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)


Kes McCormick (conference moderator)

Kes McCormick is a Professor of Business Development and Sustainable Innovation at the Department of People and Society at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). He also hold a position at the International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE) at Lund University and is on the board for the Swedish Know­ledge Hub in Business Management and Entrepre­neurship at SLU. Kes McCormick is deeply engaged in the topic of nature-based solutions in the context of sustainability, governance and business.

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Camilla Gunell
Åland's Minister for Infrastructure and Climate

Opening speech

Camilla Gunell

Camilla Gunell har varit invald i Ålands lagting i 15 år och av dessa har hon varit 11 år i landskapsregeringen i olika roller.Som vicelantråd och minister för områdena näringspolitik, miljö och energi har hon jobbat intensivt för ett klimatsmart samhälle. Åland är nu testområde för hela Finland för ny teknik inom smarta elnät, energilagring och fossilfria lösningar. Hon har velat förändra näringspolitiken och tillväxttänkandet i riktning mot ett mer ”miljönsamt” näringsliv, vars lönsamhet kommer från näringar som respekterar miljöns och klimatets gränser och göra en storsatsning på vind- och solenergi.

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Ludwig Sonesson
Climate Adaptation Strategist, City of Malmö

Guest speakers

Ludwig Sonesson

Ludwig Sonesson is a Climate Adaptation Strategist at the Environment Department in the City of Malmö. He works on urban greening strategies and heat exposure and coordinates the Malmö Urban Landscape Lab which is experimenting with novel nature based solutions in the city.

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Leonard Sandin
Deputy Research Leader, NINA Oslo

Nordic Council of Ministers NBS programme 2021-2024 – results and experiences

Leonard Sandin

Leonard Sandin has a background in river ecology focusing on restoration, climate change mitigation, and human impacts on organisms, ecosystem functioning and services. Sandins main interest is NBS implementation and the connection to biodiversity, restoration upscaling in river landscapes, and freshwater management in a climate perspective. He has led and co-led several multidisciplinary projects focusing in NBS including the Nordic Council of Ministers projects S-ITUATION, S-UMMATION and currently the GuideNBS project. He is currently a lead author on the IPBES thematic assessment of the interlinkages among biodiversity, water, food and health, and is a co-lead of the Nordic NBS Hub.

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Caroline Enge
Research Scientist, NIVA

Nordic Council of Ministers NBS programme 2021-2024 – results and experiences

Caroline Enge

Caroline Enge is a research scientist at NIVA's section for Water and Society, where she focuses on environmental policy and governance, stakeholder engagement, science-policy interface, research communication and dissemination, environmental challenges and solutions such as nature-based solutions

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Ann Nedergård
Project leader, Ålands vatten

Nordic Council of Ministers NBS programme 2021-2024 – results and experiences

Ann Nedergård

Environment and sustainability, together with cooperation and development, are the main themes of Ann Nedergård's professional life. She has previously worked as a program manager, project manager, as an environment and health inspector and with environment and water issues within public administration and EU programmes in Sweden and on the Åland Islands. Since eight years,  she now works with projects that improve the water quality in the Åland Islands' two largest drinking water sources. When Ann Nedergård gets to combine sustainability, cooperation and water she feels that she is in the right place.

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Tessa Bargmann
Researcher, NINA Bergen

Nordic Council of Ministers NBS programme 2021-2024 – results and experiences

Tessa Bargmann

Tessa Bargmann is a landscape ecologist working on multidisciplinary projects focused on ecology and monitoring, ecosystem services, restoration, and stakeholder involvement. Bargmann is interested in the practical application of nature-based solutions particularly in cultural landscapes and in ecological restoration of grey areas. She is currently co-leading the Nordic Council of Ministers project GuideNbS.

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Kolbrún í Haraldsstovu
Plant Ecologist, Faroe Islands National Museum

Nordic Council of Ministers NBS programme 2021-2024 – results and experiences

Kolbrún í Haraldsstovu

Kolbrún is a Plant Ecologist and the Head of the Department of Botany at the Faroe Islands National Museum. She leads the pioneering Lendisbati project, the first large-scale ecological restoration initiative in the Faroe Islands, which is one of eight pilot projects funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers. In addition, Kolbrún educates the public on critical issues related to the Faroese natural environment and oversees research on the vegetation of Koltur Island, the first nature reserve in the Faroe Islands.

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Jannik Seslef
Project Leader, Assens municipality

Nordic Council of Ministers NBS programme 2021-2024 – results and experiences

Jannik Seslef

Jannik Seslef is a Project Leader in Assens Municipality. With a professional bachelor in environment and nature, he works with removal of agricultural and low-lying soils for natural and environmental purposes. Jannik Seslef's vision that the total potential of the areas must be realized and that the multifunctional aspect contributes to the areas strengthening the local narrative and identity in the future and thus it becomes more meaningful for landowners and locals to donate land to the projects. Projects that are established with broad roots in the local area can become today's communities, which bind villages, farmers, the environment and natural purposes together.

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Anna Palmé
Senior Scientist, NordGen

Nordic Council of Ministers NBS programme 2021-2024 – results and experiences

Anna Palmé

Anna Palmé is a Senior Scientist at NordGen. She holds a PhD in biology with focus on genetics and has extensive experience of project management with genetic resources. In NordGen, Anna Palmé is responsible for crop wild relatives - wild plants that carry traits important for our agriculture and food production.

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Line Barkved
Senior Researcher, NIVA

Nordic Council of Ministers NBS programme 2021-2024 – results and experiences

Line Barkved

Line Barkved is a Senior Researcher in the Water and Society section at the Norwegian Institute of Water Research (NIVA). She works on nature-based solutions and blue-green infrastructure, particularly focusing on collaboration, governance and management aspects. She was the project leader of the S-UMMATION project, which summarized experiences from the 8 NBS pilots in the Nordics funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers.

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Gustav Nässlander
CEO, Trädkontoret (The Tree Office)

Nordic Council of Ministers NBS programme 2021-2024 – results and experiences

Gustav Nässlander

Gustav is the CEO of the Swedish company Trädkontoret (The Tree Office) whom are leading the project "Yggdrasil", focusing on the 3+30+300 rule for better cities. Gustav has a bachelors degree in horticultural science, is an ISA certified arborist and works as a consultant in the field of urban forestry and arboriculture with many years experience from communicating the benefits of trees, both on stage and in a broad variety of projects.

Gustav will be presenting the ongoing project "Yggdrasil" which is working on evaluating how well Nordic cities are fulfilling the 3+30+300 rule. Gustavs presentation will revolve around explaining the 3+30+300 rule and also giving a broad insight to the projects status and progress this far. The project is also aiming at evalutating the species distribution of urban trees around the Nordics, with a focus on native/non-native species. Gustav will be addressing these challenges and giving a first peek at the results from this unique survey.

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Helena Björn
Senior Environmental Strategist, Lomma municipality

Excursion 1: Lomma municipality

On this excursion you will get to explore how nature-based solutions can be implemented to address climate related hazards such as sea-level rise, coastal erosion, drought, and flooding – from a landscape perspective. During the excursion, Helena Björn, Environmental strategist at Lomma Municipality, will guide us through their work with NbS from comprehensive planning to concrete solutions, showcasing different nature-based solutions from the recently finished LIFE Coast Adapt-project.

Helena Björn

Helena Björn has a PhD in ecology and is, since 2006, the Senior Environmental Strategist in Lomma municipality with focus on climate adaptation, spatial planning, Agenda 2030 and nature conservation. She is part of a team of spatial planners, engineers and other experts. In Sweden, spatial planning is handled by the municipalities, including the coastal zone.

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Hugo Settergren
Landscape Architect and Expert within Nature-Based Solutions and urban climate adaptation at IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute

Excursion 2: Greening Möllan and Augustenborg

An excursion combining visits to the following two projects:

Greening Möllan 

Cities such as Malmö are increasingly using nature-based solutions to adapt to a changing climate. However, implementing them in a dense city with many other competing pressures on land can prove difficult. In the project “Greening Möllan”, the city of Malmö implemented a range of multifunctional green interventions centered around trees in the area Möllevången—a dense district from the early 1900s with a socially disadvantaged population and a large population of children. The project is indicative of how the city will work on adaptation in the coming years—prioritizing the district most in need of investment and planning interventions with as many positive benefits for the local community. You will hear about raingardens extending under parking spaces, vitalisation of older trees, site-specific species selection and collaborations with property owners.

Climate adaptation with nature-based solutions in Augustenborg "eco-city", Malmö.

Join a guided tour through one of Sweden’s oldest and pioneering city planning projects were climate related hazards have been addressed with nature-based solutions since 1998. In this excursion you will learn about how this neighbourhood was planned to address flood risks and creating socially inclusive spaces for its inhabitants through a myriad of different nature-based solutions. We will follow the flow of the rainwater through the neighbourhood and stopping to learn more about specific solutions along the way.

Hugo Settergren

Hugo Settergren is a Landscape Architect and Expert within Nature-Based Solutions and urban climate adaptation at IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute. His broad expertise ranges from technical understanding of SUDS, green roofs and urban vegetation systems to the strategic perspectives on where and how NBS can be implemented in cities. He is currently involved in several research and development projects where he is assembling best-practices, evaluating solutions and developing tools to make cities greener and more resilient to the changing climate.

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Lise Lykke Steffensen
Executive Director, NordGen

Excursion 3: Nordic Genetic Resource Centre (NordGen)

Genetic resources are essential for human life on earth. They provide us with food, feed, fibers and medicines. But they are also part of the infrastructure used for many types of nature-based solutions, such as NBS for adaptation of food production to climate change and increasing biodiversity in forestry and the agricultural landscape. Nordic Genetic Resource Centre (NordGen) is the Nordic countries’ joint seed genebank and knowledge centre for genetic resources. With the mission to conserve and promote a sustainable use of genetic resources, NordGen keeps thousands of seeds samples important for our future food production. Join us for a visit to our seed laboratories, greenhouse and garden where the Nordic seed collection is maintained. You will also learn more about Svalbard Global Seed Vault and might even enter the iconic Arctic building virtually.

Lise Lykke Steffensen

Lise Lykke is the Executive Director of the Nordic Genetic Resource Centre (NordGen) since 2016. Her responsibility is to lead and develop the organisation's operations. NordGen's mission is to conserve and promote a sustainable use of genetic resources important for the Nordic agriculture and forestry.

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Ingvild Skumlien Furuseth
Research Scientist

Option 1: Nature-based solutions in urban environments

Ingvild Skumlien Furuseth

Ingvild Skumlien Furuseth (F) holds an MSc in Business and Administration. As a Research Scientist, she focusses on nature-based solutions (NBS) for climate change adaptation. She has been involved in several projects about NBS funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers. Her focus has been on incentives, policy and knowledge-sharing related to the NBS implementation. Additionally, she led a commission project for the Norwegian Environment Agency, assessing NBS integration in land-use planning at various levels in four municipalities, following a State Planning Guideline.

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Aki Sinkkonen
Principal Scientist

Option 1: Nature-based solutions in urban environments

Aki Sinkkonen

Docent in environmental ecology, Principal Scientist Aki Sinkkonen has large expertise in running multidisciplinary ecological-medical research projects that seek for novel nature-based solutions. He was the main designer of globally the first biodiversity intervention trials in which environmental biodiversity is inserted into urban settings, in order to eventually prevent non-communicable diseases. He was recently invited to The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters. He has published 90 international, peer-reviewed papers, three patents, supervised several Ph.D. theses and post docs, and he has a wide international research network.

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Yvona Holbein
Coordinator for Stormwater Activities, Oslo Municipality

Option 1: Nature-based solutions in urban environments

Yvona Holbein

Yvona Holbein is a coordinator for stormwater activities in Oslo Municipality, especially based on Stormwater Action Plan. Her main focus is on good cooperation between the agencies in Oslo, managing the pipelines, watercourses, greenery, streets, parks and with responsibility for the planning and building in Oslo. She is concerned with strategies and innovation and maintains contact with national and municipal actors and research institutions, such as NIVA.

Yvona also led the 4-year process of developing a Guide for Stormwater Management which was launched in September 2023. The stormwater guide elaborates on the requirements in national and local regulations and clarifies the municipality's expectations for sustainable and nature-based stormwater management.

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The Nordic Youth Biodiversity Network (NYBN)

Option 2: Biodiversity - Now and for Future Generations

The Nordic Youth Biodiversity Network (NYBN)

The Nordic Youth Biodiversity Network (NYBN) is the Nordic chapter of the Global Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN), an international network of youth organisations and individuals from every global region who have united together with a common goal: Halting and reversing the biodiversity crisis. As the official coordination platform for Nordic youth in the negotiations under the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), NYBN is committed to bringing the perspectives of young people into the political process and empowering young people to take action.

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Søren Per Sørensen
Development Consultant, Vordingborg Municipality

Option 2: Biodiversity - Now and for Future Generations

Søren Per Sørensen

Søren Per Sørensen is a Development Consultant at the Centre for Culture, Leisure and Development, Vordingborg Municipality and Møn UNESCO Biosphere Area. He has been working with sustainable development primarily in Tourism and Agriculture since the late nineties, and always with focus on cooperation with local stakeholders. Currently he is the project manager of the Danish part of the Interreg Baltic Sea core project “Supported by Nature”.

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Isak Nyborg
Coordinator at Höje å water council

Option 3: Nature-Based Solutions and Land Use Focus on Coast and Coastal Landscapes

Isak Nyborg

Isak Nyborg is working to improve water quality in the Höje å catchment area through water conservation measures such as the creation of wetlands, irrigation wetlands, and two-stage ditches. Has working tasks include coordinating efforts between landowners, authorities, consultants, the county administrative board, and others, while also seeking funding.

The Kävlingeån and Höje å Water Councils are two of the oldest water councils in Sweden, working with the main goals of improving water quality and ensuring water in sufficient quantity. Over the past 30 years, these NGOs have funded and constructed over 600 hectares of wetlands in collaboration with their 10 member municipalities.

Isak Nyborg and Therese Parodi will talk about the extensive ditching that occurred about 200 years ago, our efforts in restoration, the pros and challenges of working within a water council, how we have financed all the projects, why they are beneficial for the environment, and the future challenges in water management.

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Therese Parodi
Coordinator at Kävlingeåns water council

Option 3: Nature-Based Solutions and Land Use Focus on Coast and Coastal Landscapes

Therese Parodi

Therese Parodi is working to improve water quality in the Kävlingeån catchment area through water conservation measures such as the establishment of wetlands, irrigation wetlands, and two-stage ditches. She is coordinating efforts between landowners, authorities, consultants, the county administrative board, and others, while seeking funding.

The Kävlingeån and Höje å Water Councils are two of the oldest water councils in Sweden, working with the main goals of improving water quality and ensuring water in sufficient quantity. Over the past 30 years, these NGOs have funded and constructed over 600 hectares of wetlands in collaboration with their 10 member municipalities.

Therese Parodi and Isak Nyborg will talk about the extensive ditching that occurred about 200 years ago, our efforts in restoration, the pros and challenges of working within a water council, how we have financed all the projects, why they are beneficial for the environment, and the future challenges in water management.

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Sebastian Bokhari Irminger
Coastal Engineer, SGI

Option 3: Nature-Based Solutions and Land Use Focus on Coast and Coastal Landscapes

Sebastian Bokhari Irminger

Sebastian Bokhari Irminger is a Coastal Engineer working at the Swedish Geotechnical Institute, SGI. Throughout his career, Sebastian has worked with coastal management and climate adaptation projects, spanning technical, social and legal aspects, pushing the knowledge on how multifunctional solutions can be implemented in a Swedish context.

The SGI is the state agency responsible for coordinating erosion issues in Sweden. The SGI have a special focus on developing and implementing NBS as parts of coastal management and adaptation plans.

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Susann Milenkovski
Environmental Strategist, Region Skåne

Option 3: Nature-Based Solutions and Land Use Focus on Coast and Coastal Landscapes

Susann Milenkovski

Susann Milenkovski has a PhD in ecotoxicology and is an Environmental Strategist in Region Skåne. Susann is working with challenges within water and ocean at a regional scale. For example, how to speed up pharmaceutical purification, establish a sustainable circular water supply and testing methods to calculate water balance. Susann has also been part of LIFE Coast Adapt – Swedens largest nature-based coastal adaption project 2018-2023.

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Pamela Conrad
Founder/Executive Director, Climate Positive Design

Lecture in plenary

Pamela Conrad

Pamela Conrad, PLA, ASLA, LEED AP, is an internationally recognized landscape architect, Faculty at Harvard’s Graduate School of Design and Architecture 2030 Senior Fellow. Her passion for the environment is deeply rooted – from growing up on a farm in the mid-western United States to studying plant science and regenerative landscape architecture. Pamela’s 20-year career has focused on implementing carbon sequestering nature-based solutions in the built environment ranging from large scale habitat restoration to urban waterfront adaptation. She has been featured in the New York Times, Forbes, Bloomberg, TIME Magazine for Kids, Build Beyond Zero (2022), and on stage at the UN COP27/28 Climate Conferences.

Pamela is participating online.

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Lajla Tunaal White
Research Director, NINA

Closing remarks

Lajla Tunaal White

Lajla Tunaal White is a Research Director for the Oslo division of the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA). She is an ecologist with a background from the civil service both in Norway and England. Her experience spans national and international policy development related to biodiversity, natural and cultural landscapes, climate and pollution, particularly regarding sustainable agriculture and forestry. In NINA her focus is on researchers working with ecological research in terrestrial environments, ecosystem accounting, nature-based solutions, nature risk and restoration. She is driven by collaboration and innovation to achieve overarching environmental goals.

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